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Archive | Sex & Dating


Why Number Closing is outdated

The game has changed. Gone are the days where you ask for her number, or her for yours. We can lay waste to the feelings of doubt and disconcerting angst, that often plagues the mind after you obtain those hopeful digits, reliable or otherwise. That shits over. Number closing is outdated. On my last birthday in September, a young Cameroonian […]

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The Siege of Malta

The Mission: Capture my Maltese flag, in style. I hit the ground cold and I had a week. Dressed as a Leprechaun Pirate, I stormed the island with my new crew: Genocide Glen, Pillaging Paul & Cut-throat K. Many women fell prey to our charms but I wasn’t interested in just a flag. Any man […]

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On Form

The zone, in flow, on form –  it all means the same thing.  Well this nomad is on form. During the Siege of the Adriatic, I pulled off some impressive f closes with a handful of HBs from 5 different countries. That said, I  kept the standard high too. Last night in Dublin, I had two […]

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28 Days Later...

28 Days Later…

Ever think of giving your dick a break? Even the noble penis requires time to rest and reflect. To look back at his accomplishments, his drunken failures, his scars. He thinks about the future too. After all, he’s got a message the whole world needs to know about.  Without him, you a shell; a robot […]

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How to Slay a Vampire ;)

DO NOT READ: if you are one of those politically correct wankers or have a vagina… or fangs.  This author is not Anti-Vampire or culturally insensitive, but he does  rock.  He also enjoys spicy food, and has a thing for alternative chicks.  Now… What if I told Vampires were REAL? Would you believe me? I’n not talking about little goth kids […]

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