The video speaks for itself… This was one of my closest calls yet. My first sailing trip offshore ended in disaster. Storms, a fire in the engine room, and an expensive rescue at sea. My poor little Albin Vega, the Black Rose, took a beating. The Mediterranean in October was not kind.
Author Archive | Mark Zolo

Expat Ukraine’s 2020 Belgrade Guide
The following is a guest post by ExpatUkraine. INTRODUCTION St. Mark’s Church. Serbian Orthodox church located in the Tasmajdan park in Belgrade Serbia Serbia is at the top of many male traveller’s lists of places of interest, and for a good reason. With a lovely climate, beautiful women, and a fantastic nightlife scene, the capital […]
My First Video Guide: Armenia
I just posted this on Youtube. Check it out.

My New Book Drops March 13th!
Finally. Friday the 13th is supposed to be unlucky, but I’m Irish so hopefully, it will balance out 🙂At 72,000 words, this is the biggest and best book I’ve ever written. Summary:MY LIFE AS A MEXICAN PIRATE may just be the wildest travel memoir ever written. It started as a joke, an Irish trio on […]

The Year in Review 2019
In 2019, I reaped the rewards of the hard work I put in last year and in 2017. Things got kicked up a notch too. I got the keys to my first bit of real estate and closed deals for three new businesses. It was not without serious challenges, and some other projects got put […]

The Second Mouse Gets the Cheese
There is a saying in business that has really resonated with me this last year. “The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.” Most start-up businesses are mouse traps. 90% of them fail. Most budding entrepreneurs think they’ll be one of the lucky ones. They try to be smart about […]

FUCK YOU, internet! – Why I decided to build an empire OFFLINE
The internet ain’t what it used to be.I remember some years ago when my site was banned in China and the Middle East. So what, I thought? They are the most censorious nations on earth. I live in the West, I’ve nothing to worry about. I just give men advice on travel and dating. What […]

The Men’s Guide to Nepal (with video)
Overview Nepal is a great place to visit. Incredible scenery, culture, food and people make a cool spot for any type of visitor. There are tons to do, see and explore. Most people have good English, and there is something spiritual about the place that makes you want to stay. That said, the country is […]

No, I’m not dead.
Greetings lads. It’s been a while. In fact, it’s been months since I posted anything, the longest gap ever. I owe you an explanation. You see, my offline life in the Med has been incredibly busy and interesting. The launch of my second pub over the summer was an incredible success. It’s packed every evening […]