First and foremost follow me on Instagram, ya’ sexy bastards—if you haven’t already.
Times Have Changed
For better or worse, social media platforms and hook-up apps have become dominant in the modern dating scene.
Although most of my success with women has come from picking up at night, I still consider myself one of the godfathers of online game. I’ve been using the internet to bang chicks while travelling since MySpace! To add to my street cred, I’m also the one who coined the term pipelining (setting up dates online before you hit a city), a word still used by many male travellers today.
Anyway, the game had changed since the good old days. Now we have Tinder and it’s screwed up everything. With male thirst at all time highs, it has created an environment where even 6s have started to believe they are worthy of male models with sixpack abs. In fact, they have gotten so deluded that a recent study by OKCupid revealed that women now rate 80% of men online as “below average”… as if that could make any sense.
Don’t get me wrong. Sometimes the likes of Tinder can be useful. If you are in a hardcore Muslim country like Iran or Oman, or places where you have exotic capital (think a white man in Southeast Asia), it can be very lucrative.
However in the West, this technology has had a deleterious effect on the dating scene. It’s made men lazy and destroyed their confidence. As a result, many men nowadays end up settling for subpar women, when in reality they could do alot better. (I’ve seen it happen all around me with close friends.)
For along time I almost gave up on online game. It used to feel like I was the only fisherman in a fertile bay, but now the trawlers have moved in and overfished the seas to oblivion. The corals are dead, the water is polluted, and the only thing left are bottom feeders and a few fat whales.
It’s time to move on, lads. There are better places to throw down a line.
Enter Instagram
Smart guys adapt. They find a niche. They go against the masses and try something different.
When it comes to online game, one such niche is Instagram.
Now I know what some of you are thinking—Instagram is for vain bastards, soyboys, and chicks—but that’s the point!
68% of Instagram users are women.
How do you think that compares to the ratios of Tinder, OKCupid, and other dating apps and sites?
The quality of women on Instagram is also unbeatable. Let’s get real here. You’ll rarely find 8s and 9s on Tinder—they get enough attention in real life—but nearly all of them have an Instagram account. The best of best are on there, and if know what you’re doing you can use it to could pull better women with less effort.
From personal experience, the quality I’ve banged from Instagram has been some of the best in my life (from both online and offline).
Furthermore, Instagram is far better at displaying your personality and value. When you’re using Tinder it’s like passing by a store window, bu with Instagram you’re actually inside looking at the wares. Bad analogy…but you get my point.
Hopefully I convinced you, but before you go selling yourself you’ll need to create the best page possible…
How to Grow Your Instagram Page
Like it not, the two main things women care about when they visit your page are looks and status.
Yeah sure…you’ll get a few likes and comments with pics of you travelling, skydiving, or posing with cute pets, but let’s not kid ourselves.
With looks, you got with got. If you lift, have style, and know how to use a good camera, you’re probably ahead of the competition. (I’ll leave tips on photos for another post, perhaps.)
Status, however, is harder to achieve. Do not underestimate the importance of your follower count.
Any hot chick with a bikini pic will likely have thousands of followers, and if you only have a couple of hundred she’ll perceive you as lower status. You could have a PHD and ride a harley, but it doesn’t matter.
It’s sad and shallow, but that’s Instagram for you.

Borat voice: “You will never get this!” (Also because this chick died during plastic surgery.)
As such, I generally don’t advise messaging (DMing) a girl with a follower count north of 10k unless you can match her. Hell, I don’t even advise you DMing a girls with 1,000 followers—by that stage a slue of men have already tried their luck.
Luckily, there are a few shortcuts to building up your audience. Instead on spending hours posting, liking, following, and thinking about hashtags, you can use bots. I’ve tried followliker and a few others, but by far the best results I’ve had (and most genuine) have been from using a system developed the Manosphere’s very own Vinny from IGCasanova.
The results speak for themselves…
Before IGCasanova
The following are the 3 pictures I posted directly before implementing Vinny’s system. At this point I’d already built up my account to around 2,500 followers. Note the amount of likes.
AFTER Casanova
These are first three pics I posted right after I signed up.
The Full Spectrum
Granted the above pictures are pretty badass pictures and I use more hashtags, so to give you the full range I’ve included the lowest and highest ranking pictures since signing up.
First the lowest ranking pictures…
Now the highest ranking pictures…
Bear in mind this does not include videos. My highest post to date (and probably my favorite) is actually this GoldenEye parody with 3k+ likes…
In sum
I have posted 31 times since signing up. Since then I’ve more than doubled the amount of followers, but more importantly nearly all of them are legit. My only criticism of the service is the price tag. It’s a little steep.
In retrospect, I choose sub-optimal locations to promote myself—I focused on Ukraine because of the hotties—but overall I’m very pleased. I now have a very respectable following and I’m getting followed by a ton of gorgeous girls. This has provided me with a decent status to game on the platform.
As I’ve alluded to earlier, since signing up I’ve banged some of the highest quality tail of my life. This in spite of the fact my Instagram links to this site and girls find out about it—something you think would handicap me. (Some women just can’t resist bad boys I guess).
If you’re interested in using this service yourself, you can sign up here.
I still think meeting girls in real life is the way to go, but online game has its utility.
I still think Tinder is dogshit, but if you’re travelling I can situations where it’s useful. Instagram is better though. Plus, it’s probably the easiest way to find top-tier chicks in a location.
Now go forth and multiply!
Have you had any experiences with Instagram game?
Leave a comment.
great article and thanks man. Ever thought about posting “fans meetups” on facebook while traveling?
thanks, Sultan , a big fan 🙂
Thanks for the kind words, I am glad you liked the service.
Instagram is not only for the online game. For couple years now I have been successfully using it as a daygame closing tool as well. When you ask a girl for a number she is hesitant but girls love to have another follower, so they readily give out their Instagram.
Little do they know that it is a trap and after seeing your awesome account, they INSTAntly swallow up all the value you displayed through your album. I had it happen to me times and times when a girl says wow!!! after seeing my account.
This requires some work, but it is worth it.
Dam better get on this social media….gave out on facebook cor 10yrs an havent even touched tinder or anything else….im way behind
Are you getting any kickbacks for promoting IGCasanova or are you promoting them because his product truly works?
I wouldn’t promote something I didn’t believe in. It’s LEGIT 🙂 You can see yourself. I wasn’t paid for this post (I’d mark it as a sponsored post otherwise), but the links are affiliate links. I use them throughout my blogs from recommending backpacks to language learning. T
I’ve switched from IGCasanova to another service, 30€/month is not worth it. Many other services offer the same growth for just 9-15$ per month and have better support.
Can you make some recommendations?
If you want to run it yourself: Gramdominator, SMMNova or FollowLiker
or if you want to run it in the cloud (easier for you): ZenPromo, instato or instantical
Instanical was the original guy IGCasanova (ie Vinny) partnered with.
IGCasanova is just a reseller, he is not running the service at all. Basically he will let someone else run then service for half the price and pockets the other half for himself without doing anything.
Out of curiosity, and this may seem like a dumb question…but what do you actually DO?
Obviously the growth gives you massive social proof, but how did you actually bang the girls you did?
Just slide into the DMs; or was it a matter of using IG as the way of communicating as opposed to say WhatsApp or FB messenger?
Great post regardless.
Yes on the DMs. Apparently if you like a bunch of her stuff you skip past the message request problem.
This texting post may also help:
Why did you choose to set your location on Ukrain?
Hottest chicks, I guess.
All due respect Carlos, (although I don’t remember ever having a client with this name), comparing these services (some of which I created and had to leave due to terrible client support) is like comparing Golf cart to a Tesla.
Sure all of the services have a bot. Bot with most you named, you have to buy the bot first, download the software and spend weeks to learn how to use it. Other which might be slightly cheaper will offer a bot in the cloud but none of the following features we offer.
Precise automatic like boost, with likes coming in gradually.
High quality comments on photos.
Instagram page analysis (included in price) where I personally advice you how to improve your page.
Automatic video views boost.
Plus the whole system is designed to cater guys who want to meet girls.
There are services online times more expensive then ours which have less than half of the functionality.
Buying followers online can be a viable option to create some fake social proof and then improve status ?
Then moving from there and get some real one ?
Faking it till you make it basically.
That’s interesting. But is the strategy to actually find prospects in instagram?
A very eye-opening post. I am a foreign man (from North Africa) who was surfing the net looking for how an instagram account would complement a facebook page I started on strength training, nutrition and healthy lifestyle.
Upon discovering this, I am wondering: would it be possible to set up an instagram account for both inspiring people to find the time to strength train and be active even with a full-time job (that’s my facebook page goal) and attracting beautiful ladies at the same time? Or must I choose the one or the other (setting up two accounts would be unmanageable)?
Once again, one quality post full of useful information, but does it apply to my case? Thanks in advance
I used Vinnys IG service for about a year, and can vouch for him and his software. Great results!