I remember the first time I typed in the word ‘sex’ into a search engine as a young boy—back in days of Windows 95, Ask Jeeves, and that irksome cacophony of a dial-up modem. I remember my eagerness as I sat there waiting, for hours on end sometimes, just for the chance to watch a low-quality three minute clip of naked strangers violating each other for the camera. I looked at the download bar like a heroin junkie burning his spoon. How wicked and wonderful.
Since the day of my first ejaculation, internet porn was ever-present in my sex life. It was the bow to my arrow.
We are Generation XXX. The startling truth is, the average 15-year-old boy today has seen more naked women than all of his ancestors for the last millennium combined. We live in an age where watching internet porn is considered as normal as taking a piss, with 99.9% of guys my age regularly getting their fix of pixelated pussy. Hey, if everyone else is doing it, what’s the harm, right?
I used to think the same. Until I began to educate myself on the psychological consequences of such behaviour and take note of internet porn’s deleterious effects on my sex life.
To give an example, early last summer I was lying on the bed of a lingerie model I was seeing. Having just come from a shoot, all dolled up, she stripped down to her bra and panties and skipped in the bathroom to get ready for sex. Almost without hesitation, I opened up her computer and logged on the Pornhub to get myself turned on for her.
That’s when I knew I had a problem.
In the entire history of mankind, in the days prior to viral vagina, if that same situation had happened—with a horny model getting naked—any guy would have got rock hard, instantly.
But for Generation XXX—where men have literally seen thousands of silicon-stuffed sluts getting fucked in every which way—some chick in her underwear is just plain boring.
Guys, that’s not natural. Nor it is healthy or positive.
Then I watched this video.
The study shows it takes 3-6 months for men to feel the positive effects of giving up internet porn.
Well over three months ago, I stopped watching porn. I can honestly tell you I haven’t even had a cheeky peek since then. Any you know what? I feel great.
Sex is far more satisfying than it’s ever been before. I LOVE sex now. When I used to watch porn, having sex with a beautiful woman didn’t really satisfy me as it should have. Sometimes, I’d wish I could just click a button and change the scenery to mix it up. Even worse, when the girl wasn’t that sexy, I’d even close my eyes and think about my favourite porn just to bust a nut. Sad, but true. But not any more! Now, even sex with a 6 is exciting and satisfying! Naked flesh has once more become a novelty.
My libido has increased massively, too. In fact, my libido is almost too high. When I walk down the street and see a really nice ass, I can’t help but get hard. When I see a 9, I grind my teeth like an angry dog and think about kidnapping her and bringing her back to my man cave. And when I fuck, I fuck like a wild man. The women dig it.
The only disadvantage is now I cum way faster during sex. I used to be a marathon lover, but now I get so turned on seeing a naked woman I’m unable to hold back an orgasm for over ten minutes (without a condom). Unless she’s really worth a good dicking, I don’t bother trying to impress anyone. But on the plus side, I can go a couple of extra rounds—so it evens itself out.
For some reason, I also feel happier in life, too. I feel I have greater self-control. I feel I’m a better lover. I’m hungrier, more confident, more manly.
So my advice: Go for it!
Give it up and see the results for yourself.
If any of you have given it up, please share your experiences by commenting below!
Here a link to other articles on the topic: the Manosphere on Porn.
Still working on giving it up.
To be honest I was never into porn that much. Apart from the occasional Pierre Woodman video where some teenage FSU chick was getting shafted by a fat,bald frenchman.
I’m more into nude art, sites like hegre art, met art, domai etc. I like the innocence of a beautiful young woman, comfortable in her own skin, posing without making slutty faces. noises etc.
That’s so funny, I gave up porn about a year ago with only 1 relapse. It does 2 things, the first is frees up tons of time to find actual girls and the second is you appreciate the girls you have way more. Great post. P.S. I love the book, its been passed around the gym so many times that it looks like a library book from the 70s.
Great to hear another first hand experience. I collected the Best of the Manosphere on porn here:
Great post Nomad, tried this for the entire month of January. Lifted heavy in the gym, no masturbation, no porn, you feel like a god damned animal when you hit the strip on Friday. I’ll have to give it another go if it takes 3-6 months for positive benefits.
I gave up on porn about 8 months ago. Shit, I shoot cum like a panzer tank now, women love it ( not so much if by accident I hit her in the eye). It has given me so many benefits I can barely remember all of them. More macho attitude, more libido, more confidence and instinct on gaming situations. Giving up porn turns anyone into a latino lover. Also I started drawing nudes, I don’t really see that as porn, but some might see it as cheating, even though I don’t use the drawings for let’s say ” inspirational purposes”.
Easier said than done though, How do you fight the urge off? we’re on our computers so much now that a 10minute porn hub session is so convenient. I’ve gotten to a month and then there’d be a super horny day and I’ll give in. I’ve only been into game for 6 months and while I have been laid in that time, I don’t have a cache of girls to drain my balls. PS Congrats Man!!
i gave it up completely for a good long time… 3 years. i did find a problem with quitting though.
sometimes you just wanna bust a load and hitting up girls and all that can be time consuming. not that i have a problem with that a lot but sometimes im just like “i dont wanna deal with any ladies right now, just wanna blow one and go about my self serving day”.
i prefer to use my imagination to porn honestly. most porn vids miss the perfect timing and shit that your imagination (and a lady) give you. plus i hate it when a dude jerks himself off at the end. i personally prefer a lady to finish me, and that normally kills it. my loads are weaker and my aggression is stemmed by porn.
but i find the problem here. when i do use my imagination, and im sure its the same for many dudes, i find myself imagining some girl i been talking to or fucking with that turns me on. and thats the problem because we all know you arent supposed to jerk it imagining a girl you are gaming. it kills your game with her.
so generally on the occaisions where i dont feel like entertaining a blonde to get my load off and feel like jerking it and getting on with my tasks at hand i find that imagining a gal that i used to fuck a while back but dont fuck anymore works and on the occaisions where someone i am working on currently keeps popping up i say “fuck it” and watch a little to get it done.
i feel the problem comes though mainly when porn is a dudes go-to source for arousal and “sex”. or even someone that has a couple of broads, but porn is his number two. this is dangerous and kills your aggression and libido. and if it was like that for you at one time, as it was for me years ago, it can be dangerous to take my method here and not get back into that old way. so be careful.
personally though, if its all or nothing for you, stop altogether. for me if i were to take a gander id say i watch a quick BJ maybe once every couple months or so. if you cant do that then just cut it out. the couple of negatives to a “porn free diet” that i mentioned above dont come close to the negatives that come with casual “porn-as-a-staple” diet.
good article, good advice.
I have slowly begun giving up a bad porn addition. Very difficult. Thanks for sharing this video; I now feel very modivated to completely give it up. I suffer from almost all the symptoms noted in the video of an addict. The video presentation gives me hope I can succeed and “reprogram” after almost 35 years of using porn in one form or another.
The problem is not Porn. It is really is a larger problem. It is Internet addiction. Many people no longer have real lives. They live on the internet. The problem is that men are staying home and not going out and living a life! Girls too. They are addicted to and are staying home more than ever. Don’t succumb to it. Get a real life!
Did you give up milking the snake entirely?
@Snake: Sometimes, the snake needs milking. I’m not gonna punish myself. I just never use porn.
Haha yes, that makes sense. You inspired me, I’m starting today! My mum should be proud
@Naughty Nomad – Be wary of how you milk the snake. Do not use a death grip – a girl will seem less tight to you (and there’s where your stamina comes from). I am at the point where the condom feels okay to like nothing and without feels good.
I have been successful for almost two weeks (longest was a month) but I am going to try to give up milking the snake so I can come with a girl the same night I’m fucking her.
Great post. I read something about this recently and did the same thing. It was a book about how the brain changes itself. Watching porn changes your “sexual thermometer”. When you get used to the images and scenes, it’s hard to be turned on by “ordinary sex”.
Worth reading: http://www.amazon.com/The-Brain-That-Changes-Itself/dp/0143113100/
I’ve been off porn for a few months. I feel like an animal… in the best possible way 😀 Try cutting masturbation out too. Same thing, only not as big of a problem as porn. It can make it harder to get turned on… either because you’ve just wanked, or because the images you wank to are not what sex is actually like in reality.
I’ve got a bit of a strange question, but I can’t ask it here. Sending you an email.
Yeah I think we all underestimate the dangers of porn. This isn’t about a few dusty magazines or VHS tapes like in the old times. This hi-speed internet stuff is seriously messing with our brains.
It’s really sad how porn slowly kills our ability to truly enjoy sex with a real woman. Think about it, we are robbing ourselves of awesome experiences here! This is our life what we are talking about, gentlemen!
And it’s all that stuff…
twitterfacebooksmsblogsnewsvideospornvideogames constantly distracting us and fooling our dopamine receptors turning us into virtual meth addicts.
Fuck that!
Our brains and bodies are still from the stone age. We can’t compete with computers and we are not meant to either.
During this summer holiday, I was reading a book called The way of superior man by David Deida. This helped me to stop watching and masturbating to porn. One day I stopped and since then I never fapped to porn again. And it feels really great. A few weeks I had a hard time to get hardon when trying to fap, but now I just think about juicy ass I saw on street this afternoon and its great. Also, I am more straightforward to women and I now clearly divide which type of women I like. In past, I used to watch porn just when I was bored and now it forces me to do something, so I am more active. I definitely reccomend to anyone. Give it a try, the feeling of having your dick under your control is great.
@Naughty Nomad- I’ve toyed with giving up porn in the past and it’s never fully worked. Did you just go off of it cold turkey? And how did you cope with cravings or whatever in the early days when you had just given it up. At what point did you find it the most difficult?
Thanks for the post man, this has given the motivation to seriously kick the habit!
Gave up porn because I was pretty much bored with it. Plus I find facebook pics are more arousing and interesting to look at! i.e. images of real women I know or used to know.
I can’t say that my sex life has increased as a result, though.
I do like the idea of giving up things that warp our true nature as men. It reminds me of my goal to reduce consumption of processed foods, it’s just not natural.
Now, if only I could give up wasting so much time on the internet…
Everyone’s different, but the cravings will come in waves, usually very strong after a couple weeks. Your mind will try to cheat, trick and seduce you in incredibly sneaky ways. Stay alert.
The last attempt will be when you think “Yeah, I’ve made it! So now I can enjoy a little bit of it… I can control it now.” Stuff like that, watch out.
There’s no way around it. Just stick to your decision and think about the great benefits you will earn from discipline. And think about what price you are paying if giving in.
Just say no and keep saying no.
Hit on real girls instead of youporn. Repalce bad habits with good ones.
I have been off the porn ever since I came to Europe back in July. I didn’t feel completely comfortable blowing my load with some dude snoring in bed nearby. I agree with Nomad that you start to appreciate the girl you’re fucking a whole lot more and your loads go from 3 ropes to Peter North style 8 ropers.
– Gavin madden
Cheers for the linkage brother.
thanks for the post Nomad, i have read some articles on quitting porn before but was motivated by you Naughty, it really made a difference with my life and thinking process. first thing i did was to delete all the porn stuff stored in my pc and stopped masturbation completely(as i felt aroused only after watching porn!) and would only have real sex now on..
now i have more time, a clear mind and a good time to rejuvenate from the boring life i was in. After quitting porn i had a real sex encounter and that was wonderful, more energetic and satisfying then before. thx a lot NN..
but we can still jack off without porn right?
@rococo: Well, I do. But I try not to go nuts.
Read this post a few weeks a go and decided to give it a go. It makes sense.. I mean I used to happily jerk off to the lingerie section of the Argos catalogue, but now with unlimited porn so easily available on the internet I find myself wasting hours sometimes searching videos for the ‘perfect scene’.
So far 3 weeks without porn and it hasn’t been too difficult so far but I have clicked on the address bar and typed in pornhub out of habit then realised what I was doing. The difference so far is I feel like less of a loser, and more interested in actually getting out and meeting new girls. Tried to cut masturbation to once a week too..failed that one though, much more difficult.
Cheers for the post Nomad!
after 6 months can you make porn an occasional thing like once a week or once a month?
do is it a pernament thing?
I’m done permanently.
I can vouch for this. Once you are over the addiction, you will find yourself that you don’t need it, don’t desire it anymore. It’s like it never existed in your life. For me is been more than a year now, since I stopped the porn addiction and it has never been better.
Just end it. You see now that there are so many success stories out there of people that ended this addiction for good.
even pictures of women in lingerie!!!!
well thats a huge motivation to get laid
I confiscated my lap top for about a month to aviod watching porn. It had become a habit that was hard to break. On average i would tune in once a day, in the evenings. My biggest problem is that I spend too much time looking at images, not the fact it’s porn. I masterbate once every two days because its healthy. If i m not getting reg sex, which i m not since a recent GF left overseas a month ago, wanking is my libidinal outlet. I find if I don t wank i loose my sex drive. I begin to feel like some celebate monk and thats not cool. Porn is ok in my oppinion if you can moderate it. If you waste too much time on then its becomes problem. In turth I think porn is the reason that this and my other webites exist. We men of the porn generation are obsessed with sex, one night stands, fucking. Need a new woman every weekend. get bored easily,
curious did the quality of your erection improve after giving up porn?like harder than ever before?
i ve given up porn and fapping(doin the 90 day no fap challenge at the same time) for 1 month so far and im startiing to feel better than ever
Does anyone know how I can easily block porn from my mac?
Presumably the nomad will be deleting all pictures of hot babes and accounts of sex with women from this site?
When I was travelling I did not watch any porn for 3 and half months. About 1 month in, I would have days where I would have a boner almost the whole day. A bus ride from Bosnia to montenegro I had a boner for about 5 hours of a 7 hour trip. And the first girl I banged I came 3 times! lol. You are definitely right about not lasting longer I could last 5 minutes max. But then I also had 3 back to back rounds which I didn’t even think was possible. I had to wack one off a couple times in my trip though when I reached a point of ravaging the next chick I saw.
Giving up porn is the best thing that ever happen to me!
With pornography out of my way and my time and my well-being had changed for better:
1) Increased libido
2) Clarity thinking
3) More productive
4) Exploration new exciting things
5) I noticed girls who are showing indication of interest
6) I am more confident
7) My perspective and my projection is more classy than a creepy I was and I didn’t realized the vibe I was giving off.
8) In addition, I stopped masturbating. When it come to ejaculation and oh boy what a powerful ejaculation with huge volume. I realize this help me feel more masculine and for the ladies to feel a powerful ejaculation hitting on or in her.
Best of all after the change and I have no desire to check pornography out. My well-being is better, my mental health is in good shape, and I am happier. This good changes enable me to continue porn-free and grow into different positive areas of my life.
Very great, insightful post. I love how honest and candid you are.
I’ve seen that ted talk too awhile back. Although logically, and scientifically it makes sense to give up porn, it is difficult to do it in reality.
I admit I have an addictive personality.
I used to be a strict follower of the JO once per week policy, I used to use women exclusively to bust my nut (which is what they are naturally intended for) but I admit, I have strayed from that path 🙁 time to give up porn once again. Your post was incredibly insightful. Thanks Nomad.
PS: Back in those days, I used to slay like a mad man, a “wild man” as you put it. It only helps your sex life that is certain.
with so many great booties out there to watch like these i have no idea how you can stay away http://pornstarspankbank.com/porn-stars-cam-girls-best-ass/