Announcing Naughty Nomad City Guides 2.0!
In total, this site now links to 250+ city guides/data sheets in 128 countries!
—Making it the the No.1 Online Resource for Male Travelers.
Some of you may have noticed that the look and feel of this site has changed in the last two months. Recently, I’ve made a major change to the City Guides Section, linking to multiple external sites and making the whole thing navigable using interactive maps!
I’ve also added a new feature where you can Submit your own City Guide. (You can also fill in your website/blog/twitter details and I’ll send traffic your way.)
I can’t research every city in the world — and even if I got to a 1000, much of the info would be become outdated. It’s already happened with some of first guides (some of which were poor, anyway). Thankfully, my new guides rock and are super detailed, but a day they will come when they too will become history.
I don’t want guys getting poor information. We as men need to work together to charter the iniquitous haunts of this earth, to bang where no man has banged before.
Naughty Nomad is now a one-stop-shop for men’s city guides and data sheets, compiling guides from here, The Naughty Nomad forum, the Roosh V Forum, Single Dude Travel, Around the World in 80 girls, and elsewhere. Every single guide has been investigated and I’ve omitted any bad content.
If you would like your site included and know of anywhere I can link too, let me know. Oh, and I’m offering $20 for the best Oceania guide! Click here.
Happy Browsing!
PS- I’ve already 500 locations logged on my FREE app. Get yours today.
Select a Region
Asia: 59 in 28; Americas: 82 in 25; Europe: 90 in 55 countries; Africa: 18 in 18; Oceania: 4 in 2.
Ever been to Cameroon NN? I’m moving out there for a few months at the start of 2014 and wondered if you had the down-low. If not, I guess I’ll be exploring new frontiers, which is fine by me…
My new Travel Journal :
Comments and criticisms are welcome………as are tips/advice