Step 1: Arrive after closing time, but before the sun sets.
Step 2: Walk around the parameter eastwards and wonder into the backstreets surrounding the security fence. There’s a KFC nearby, but that can wait. Get talking to the locals about getting in through the “back” entrance.
Step 3: You will introduced to a guide; he will provide you with safe passage and horses. Bargain hard, but remember, they have to pay a large sum of money bribing the police inside. We negotiated we would pay the police ourselves and it end up being far more costly.
Step 4: Mount your horse and head towards the dessert, leaving the city behind you. Prepare you nostril for the occasion odious encounter. We witnessed the disturbing site of a horse’s corpse, rotting in the gutter being consumed by a swarm of feasting flies.
Step 5: After a few kilometres of dramatic dessert scenery, you will spot a makeshift camp on the inside of the security fence. An un-couth looking man will come out and un-hinge a broken section of the fence, allowing you entry for a small fee.
Step 6: Make your way over the dunes to the pyramids. You have them all to yourself! Sure, you might have to bribe a few corrupt officials and you can’t go inside the pyramids themselves, but you can everything but, and there isn’t a single tourist in sight! You also get the privilege of being the only people allowed to watch the Egyptian sun, setting over the only original, surviving ancient wonder of mankind – and right next to the sphinx if you want! Famous people couldn’t do that shit!
How much did it cost you? What were the total fees for paying who you needed to pay to do this?
Around €50 for everything.
I took a diving trip to sharm el sheikh, and picking up the other tourists there was simple. Russian girls were the easiest they flock to the all inclusive hotels. I don’t speak a single russian word, and most of them only knew “hello, how are you, I’m good”. Still no problem hooking up, and if you are in that all inclusive hotel you hook up fassst.
Did something simiar. Highlynreccomneded. In actually got to scale the outside wall. One of thencoolest things I have ever done
Is there anyway to get a private tour inside the pyramids? I don’t want to follow the tourist path, I want to go INSIDE, see the depths of the wonder… Anyone know if this is possible? And how?! Money is no object but a rough idea would be nice if anyone knows…
Emily you already know the way .. you only need a good friend in Egypt, “not a tour guide” some one who will at least take from you what you both spend .. not more .. any local can get you in there .. because every thing inside is done with money .. but when you’r done in there you really should see where i go every weekend ” horses stable ” .. we call it (nazlet el semman) , if you said this to any one he will know the area .. it’s a few kilometers away from the pyramids .. but it’s worth every second ..
IMPORTANT: (Don’t go to any stable .. there are many of them .. and boys out side the main stables that are actually shouting for you to take horses from them.. just smile and give them the Big NO or don’t respond).
.. you will find there three types of tours .. 1- the 1 hours round and return.. 2- sakkara city tour .. 3- “tourist” tour.. tourist tour is nice but mighty expensive .. i recommend sakkara city tour .. 1 hour of traveling with alot of locals “not many tourists last a whole hour on the back of the horse in the sun.. just the quick fun” then you will arrive to a greenish lands in the middle of the desert with a tiki bar and everything .. i’d rather do this at 3 am .. to see the sun rise behind the pyramids from that spot while sitting in a garden and a beer and maybe a BBQ if you planned well for it “few camels might be important to take your stuff with you .. they are always safe to be left at the stable but better around your eye sight just for your own concern”.. remember to take a good camera .. and learn a few Egyptian words and jokes .. spread the good mode around you .. Egyptians love their tourists and think of them as best intrest .. quite amazing…
Heard about this before, actually. Saw a photo online that someone took of the pyramids after dark facing towards Cairo. Anyone know if security has since been tightened in recent years? Or is this “private tour” still feasible?
did the KFC have biscuits? The asian ones never do 🙁