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Archive | Book Reviews

Me suited up and looking like a boss.

30 Days of Discipline: My Experience

Awhile back, I picked up a copy of Victor Pride’s 30 Days of Discipline. I really wanted to love it. I really wanted to come on here, endorse it wholeheartedly, and then earn a nice chunk of change through Victor’s generous affiliate program. However, my integrity matters more than my bank account, so here’s the good AND […]

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How to get laid in the Baltics

How to get laid in the Baltics

Ahh, the Baltics. Home to some of the most beautiful girls in the world. Tis a place I have fond memories of. Next month I’ll be making my fourth trip over there for a short stopover (and a night of passion) in Riga, Latvia. However, things are changing fast. As more and more horny men […]

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Book Review: The Way of Men

Book Review: The Way of Men

For the modern man, something is missing. I’ve always known a void that could only be filled with reckless adventure, war, and sex. I wondered why that was. Now I know. When I picked up a copy of Jack Donovan’s The Way of Men I didn’t know what to expect. Fuck me though, this book is […]

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Book Review: Bang Poland by Roosh V

Book Review: Bang Poland by Roosh V

Bang Poland: How to bang  make love with Polish women in Poland,  does exactly what it’s supposed to do. It’s a comprehensive how-to guide on how to get your Polish flag. Roosh’s latest book was only launched early today, so I recommend you buy it now to avail of the half price offer and added bonuses (offer […]

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Book Suggestions for the New Year

Book Suggestions for the New Year

Most of the books I read would bore the tits off a lot of you guys, such classics as Politics Among Nations or E=MC2: The biography. But while not nerding out, I do on occasion get a chance to delve into more practical material. I thought I’d give you guys a few suggestions on some decent works […]

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