You will fail.
After that, you will fail again.
Don’t fucking complain about it.
Whether it’s business, game, or your liver. At some point, you will encounter obstacles that seem impossible to conquer. Most people quit. It’s a lot easier. When they get knocked down enough, they stay down.
A guy approaches 100 girls are gets rejected every single time. He quits game and ends up as a sex tourist in Thailand.
A guy joins the gym and looses motivation by mid-February. He quits and joins Subway’s loyalty program instead, getting in extra foot-longs instead of extra reps.
A guy has a business idea he thinks will be successful, but it goes under and he ends up in debt. He quits and ends up on welfare.
Life is hard sometimes. But when things are down and you feel yourself getting depressed…that’s not the time to cry. That’s not the time to feel sorry for yourself—or blame other people or society. That’s the time you re-double your efforts and work harder than your ever have before. Unless you end up castrated or in a coma, there is something you can do about your situation. Try and find a silver lining. Even the shitest experience will teach you something and offer wisdom. Class is over. Hope you enjoyed Fuck You 101—now get the hell out!
No progress is made without failure. No pain, no gain. Hustle hard and know it’s never too late to make a difference.
Stop browsing internet articles and DO something.
Go out and fail. Then fail again.
I dare you.
Zolo, you are starting to sound like a true American!!! Good post..
If it does not kill you – it will make you stronger….
Failing and getting up again is the life cycle..success starts with getting up again.
So many moments of glory but also even more times of licking wounds alone in the bushes… least in my own experience.
Good short and to the point post Mark !
You write about game and make it sound so easy to do.
If understood correctly-
You too had to fail a bunch of times to get to a high level of game?
Motivational. I expected a longer post but it was still worth reading.
Ever Try
Ever Fail
No Matter
Try Again
Fail Again
Fail Better
-S. Beckett
But sometimes people strike lucky from the get go and never taste the ugly feeling of failure. I think someone has been reading that Napoleon Hill book a bit too closely. lol
nomad, i figured id let you know that your rss feed only shows the previews of the articles as listed on your home page, and no way to read the full articles from it. no idea if you are worried about it or if it is intentional or what, but doesnt hurt to bring it to your attention. anyway love the article.
There is one thing that you will never fail at in South East Asia and that is finding cheap beer to get your drink on!
Oh wow! I bet nobody ever thought of that before.
How profound!
What a frigging cliché.
Why don’t you try brilliant insights to the people who make Christmas crackers?
Great article – makes me realize its time to do the game hard and internationally. I’m new at game and ready to fail forward.
Mark a Question…
I love blondes and would like to know a City in Eastern Europe you could suggest to get an apartment for a month and run game?
name idea for your new podcast: Naughty Notes.
You’ve right on everything but for me often it’s really difficult .
I had tried a lot of times and I reached a few successes (closures).
What I should to do?
I’m very discouraged and hopeless!…
A few months ago, my 22-year-old son suddenly went into respiratory arrest. He was rushed into an ICU where he then died of cardiac arrest. I failed BIG TIME. Where’s the silver lining in that?