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Tag Archives | getting weed in Nigeria


Men’s Guide to Edinburgh, Scotland

The following is a post from Cee Montgomery, an American who has previously written about Ayia Napa, Cyprus. Thanks Cee again for the great info. (I’ve also written my own Edinburgh guide but the info is old.) Edinburgh keywords: Better than expected! Chance of Hooking up: 3.5 / 5 Quality of Girls: 2.5 / 5  [Editor’s note: Lol, […]

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Edinburgh City Guide (Scotland)

Edinburgh City Guide (Scotland)

Edinburgh in a word: Nice. Chance of Hooking up: 3.5 / 5 Quality of Girls: 2.5 / 5 Nightlife: 4 / 5 Smoking tolerance level: 5 / 5 City guide ratings explained Costs €$£ Beer: £2.50 (~ €3 or $4) average per pint. Bed: £16 for a private room. Bud: £20 for an 1/8. Board: £3.60 for a hog burger […]

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