Monument, City Centre
Santiago in a word: so-so.
Chance of Hooking up: 3.5 / 5
Quality of Girls: 3 / 5
Smoking tolerance level: 2 / 5
City guide ratings explained
Costs €$£
Beer: €2.00 for a pint bottle.
Bed: €6 i / €10 for a private room.
Bud: €40 for an once.
Board: €2-3 for a fast food meal.
Budget other: The 6 Euro rooms are brothels/roach-fests, spend the extra few quid for a decent hotel room. Also, taxis are needed for clubs outside the centre.
Currency Conversion
Santiago is so-so. The area around the monument is the heart of the city, but outside of that there’s not much going on. It lacks the charm of the capital and receives little or no tourism. From your point of view that a good thing, as you’ll be a more exotic here than in other parts of the country. Go on the weekend.
The Girls

Rosa Acousta, asstastic.
While the majority of women here are mulatto, Santiago’s population is said to be a little ‘lighter’ than the capital’s. A more detailed detailed description of the Dominican look is in the Santo Domingo guide. For more pics of sexy Dominicans click here.
For day game it’s a little awkward. In truth, exceptional beauties are hard to find, especially in the centre. The standard isn’t great. You will have to take a trip to more fertile pastures. The international plaza is not a bad place to start, but the best hunting ground by far is PUCMM, the city’s main university. Here you have the highest quality girls around and many of them have a least a little English. Take a public car with Route K on the windsheild. You can find them heading Eastward anywhere on Av Las Carreras. They cost a mere 50 peso (€1). Tell them “Universidad Puc-ca my -ma”. Boom, you’re there. Number close a few girls (just approach and ask them about good bars and shit) then txt them for a meet up. Sound like too much effort? Just Pipeline instead (make sure you do so in Spanish). For any meet-up, you will be expected to pay for drinks.
For night game, open in bad Spanish. Once they recognise you’re a foreigner, you will generally receive a good reaction. You’re exotic here remember? Make sure you find out where the girl lives when you meet her first. Some chicks ask for car fare the next morning. If you know where she lives, you won’t get taken for a ride. It cost no more than €1 – €2 to go anywhere in the city. Accompany her home if she tries to take the piss. Anyway, for venues check out my nightlife advise. Remember – dancing is always great ice-breaker in DR.
Nightlife Recommendations
Much of Santiago’s nightlife is concentrated around the monument. Options are limited during the week, but you can still find a few chicas about.
Tolentino Street
There are a few places on this street to pick up. On the weekend, I’d say this place is CRAZY. Classier folks head to Ahi-bar, but it’s not necessarily the best place for picking up. The smaller places are more conducive. I had success in tiny ‘One-bar’ beside El jarro bar. I also picked up on the little corner bar beside one-way disco. You can get some hotties on the other corner bar on the other side of the street, and Ibiza opposite El Jarro. A lot of the bars on the street close at 12AM during the week, 2AM weekends.

Vintage on the weekend (yikes)
It’s small and shit, but consistent. It’s free in, gets a crowd every night and attracts high quality girls. The club is housed in Matum casino. Things doesn’t really pick up until after 1am. I scored here, but I recall it was difficult to compete with the sound system. If it’s the weekend, stick around Tolentino Street for the night.
* Another source recommends H20 by plaza Barcelona. Take a taxi.
Getting High
Nomad’s input: You’re better off getting it in Sosua. Otherwise ask around PUCMM.
Legislation: CATEGORY ONE: Simple Possession. Defined as possession of 20 grams or less. Minimum: 6 months in prison and a fine of RD $1,500. Maximum: 2 years in prison and a fine of RD$2,500. In the case of simple possession, persons who are deemed accomplices will be sanctioned with the same penalties imposed on the principal offender.
Marijuana prices: RD$1500-2000 an oz. (US$50-65 / €40)
My Santiago Experience
I was in Santiago mid-week for four days. It was pretty easy to pick up here and I only spent one night alone, and that’s because I was tired and packed it in! I would like to have spent more time here, but only to experience the weekend and date more chicas; I had a backlog. Pity I had to make tracks. That said, I don’t think I’d return, I have little affection for the city itself.
DR forum: How to pick up girl in the Dominican Republic – here.
Rooshvforum on DR here.
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Every night a new girl… insane!! 😀
You need to hit the ABC – Argentina, Brazil, Colombia. The three jewels in the crown.
Another day, another flag, impressive Nomad!
i really wanna go to the DR, need to get on that
i spent 7 months in Santiago. Badoo all the way. lots of chicas