Here it is : My fuckitlist, the 7 girls I most desire… for now.
I tend to prefer the dark, exotic type so you will notice a pattern.
7. Nicole Scherzinger
Ethnic Background: 50% Filipino, 25% Russian, 25% Hawaian
Why? You’ve seen her music vidieos right? Dam. I love her long stomach and small waist.
6. Mila Kunis
Ethnic Background: Ukrainian Jew.
Why? Mila got that cute/sexy combo I love so much. She also had an attainable quality to her. The fact that she speaks Russian is a serious turn on for me as well.
5. Kim Kardasian
Ethnicity Background: Armenian, with a splash of Dutch and Scottish.
Why? Kim makes the list on pure sex appeal… I love those curves.
4. Georgia Salpa
Ethnic Background: 1/2 Irish, 1/2 Greek
Why? This Irish model is the best specimen my country has ever produced. I must admit I have a genuine crush on this chick. Her body is fucking sexy too.
BTW Salpa if you’re reading this, you can email me. I’m sure there’s somehow we could arrange you get first place… you cheeky little brat you 😉
3. Aishwarya Rai
Ethnic Background: Indian
Why? She’s a former miss world for a reason. She has a timeless beauty. I could get lost in those eyes.
2. Claudia Lynx
Ethnic Background: Persian
Why? She a Iranian purebred. Furthermore… this model/actress has what some would say is the perfect face.
1. Venessa Hugdens
Ethnic Background: Filipino with a splash of Irish and Native American.
Why? She looks too good to touch. I just think this high school musical star is the epitome of cute/sexy. When she smiles my heart skips a beat. I would slice up several new born babies for this angel, she’s my dream girl.
I notice Irish and Filipino both come up twice in my list- looks like I’ll have to marry a Philly. Prepare for some sexy offspring!
If you know any more girls with this kind of look, feel free to leave suggestions via commenting!
not one colombian on the list? i am disappointed
Nicole and Kim K are my numbers 1 and 2, but they are 30+ now. Need some new 19 year old beauties to take control of the scene.
Yeah you’re right, I just found out that Aishwarya is 37 now! Dam. Looks like I’ll be updating my list pretty soon…
heh. she looks real old in her wikipedia photo. getting old sucks.
I just saw it… sigh.
C’mon Naughty, not one blondie on the list. I love the Scandinavians, so much so i’m learning Swedish now and Norwegian after 😉
I’m not really into blondes to be honest. But then again, I haven’t been to Sweden. Good luck with Swedish, I’d say it will give superpowers in pulling the local beauties.
Dude, when are you hitting up the Scandinavian countries?
I really don’t know…
I have NO problem with this list. NONE. My tastes run similar – Kim Kardashian has the IDEAL female form in my opinion. I don’t get why guys are commenting on the ages of these women. It’s a hot list, not a list for women you want to marry and have children with. The age shouldn’t factor into attractiveness. Also, I know some men will take issue because none of these women fit into the tight, American beauty ideal – namely blonde with light eyes and light skin.
I think Minka Kelly would be right up your alley too. She should definitely be on this list.
I just saw some pics of her… the distance between her nose and upper lip is a wee bit small for my liking, she’s cute though.
These are mostly photoshopped fantasy pics of those girls. Sure they are hot but in real life there are tons of non-celebrity chicks that are equally hot and often even hotter.
Celebrities are way overrated. The world is full of unknown gems to be conquered.
Any suggestions…
Yet there is hope for celeb fetishists. I heard that every person has at least one and up to 7 look-alikes somewhere on the globe. That may well be true as I’ve seen cases like that myself. So, Nicky Sherzinger here we go!!!
good man,keep dreaming about birds ur never going to shag.waste of time.go and get a bird u can shag and stop dreaming ur life away.i’d rather shag a 5 out of ten bird than waste my time on celebrity birds im never going to meet,let alone shag.wake up.
Dude Misa Campo, fantastic!!!
Woah, sorry to burst your bubble, but Claudia Lynx’s “perfect face” is nothing but plastic surgery and contacts! If you click my name, it will redirect you to this blog where all her lies are revealed. You see, it’s her management who wanted to promote her as “natural goddess” and “most beautiful woman”, but they failed badly when her movies “Legion of the Dead” and “The Sixth” were released. She had a big nose, acne and obvious contacts. Even her childhood pictures are photoshopped…
I know, when I first saw her I went “wow!” too, but when I found her true candid pics and this site, it was all too clear for me…
Thanks Jasmine, sigh… who shall be my new Persian queen :/
whats your real name nomad?
I know your real name isn’t Jasmine :p
i agree almost all half filipinos are good-looking..btw I’m half filipino half pakistani :p a rare mix
aishwariya is nt hot anymore
she became a land after 1 kid…..typical indian woman…well at least lynx is hot…until shes pregnant …..middle eastern women seem to have the same problem
asians girls ….man they dont get fat at all no matter how many kids
jesikah maximus is on my mexican chica
I’ve met Nicole S a bunch of times, she’s good friends with a friend of mine. A beauty to be sure, though #7 on the all time list would be a stretch. It’s funny that when I’ve met her, depending on what she was involved in work-wise at the moment, her figure varied greatly. Still a beauty. Her sister is beautiful as well, but in a totally different way.