Kuching, Borneo
Kuching in a word: Absorbing.
Chance of Hooking up: 3 / 5
Quality of Girls: 3.5 / 5
Smoking tolerance level: 2 / 5
City guide ratings explained
Costs €$£
Beer: Around €2 for a pint.
Bed: €5 for the cheapest private room.
Bud: €12-15 per 1/8.
Board: €2-3 for most meals.
Budget other: Prepare to drink – a shit load. Check out Bako National Park, one of the best in the world.
Currency Conversion
In terms of craic, I would rate Kuching as the best place in Malaysia! In comparison with Peninsular Malaysia, this city of half a million in Borneo is considerable more laid back; with ultra-friendly locals, superb nightlife and cheaper booze. People from borneo know how to party and every night there’s something going on. You may find yourself spending more time here than you intended.
The Girls

Miss Sarawak candidate
Kuching is arguably the best place for high quality women in the entire region. The reason? The girls here are gorgeous, liberal and financially independent, yet they maintain their femininity. Ethnic Chinese, Orang Ulu and moneyed Malaysians make up most of this premium batch. Getting laid is not necessarily 100% guaranteed but women here speak English, like westerners and are very approachable. Chicks here will even buy you drinks! The only difficulty is girls tend to be cliquey here and hang out in large social circles. Cockblocking and AMOGing can be an obstacle, but if you befriend the guys you’re in. Kuching has a great bar scene conducive for gaming, so night-time is the best time to pick up. One night stands are no problem. For day game, there is a lot of shopping centers that have plenty of cute girls. Local restaurants are good as well.
Nightlife Recommendations
Lots and lots of option. I got a serious taste for this place as I spent two weeks on piss with the locals. Kuching has too many areas for a nightlife out so I’ll just single out my favourite spots…
Padungan Road
Great for a wee pub crawl. Just have a drink in every place and work your way down the strip. Mojo is a good spot to end up (when it’s busy).
This is a semi-private bar where anything goes. Ask people about its location (it’s beside Volcano, near Pandungan). There’s no signs, no entrance, just a giant steel door. Knock on the door, act like you own the place and enter the coolest place in Kuching. This 3 phased bar is busy every night and the girls here are stunning.
Getting High
It’s not that easy to find. We got some weed by just asking people in the bars. A few locals smoke or at least know people who smoke.. Prices are the same as KL -around 50 ringit for an 1/8.
My Kuching Experience
KU-CHING! Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I love this fucking city. I’ll be back time and time again. Details will get me in trouble as I have Malay friends reading this; let’s just say that both me and my travel buddy had A LOT of fun here. We had no problem getting a few Borneo flags. We planned on staying 2 day – we stayed here for 2 weeks. What more can I say?

Me & Dan in Junk (notice how I'm surrounding by hot chicks)
nice peacocking. u look so buckled tho, hah.
any chance of a bangkok write-up soon?
Bangkok? I don’t really have a good angle on the city.. I will have to go back again to do some research 🙂
Cool blog you got here.
I was wondering where your income stream is from? Internet business?
I have lots of income streams…
I own a small printing and web/graphic design company and I’m also a DJ and freelance croupier..
sounds good. btw, since you’re so well-traveled, i wanted to get your advice on something.
i’m thinking of relocating to EE for 6 months or so, during the non-winter. should I do Tallinn or Riga where English fluency is pretty high, but where there are also lots of obnoxious tourists that give the girls anti-foreigner feelings?
or do you think it’s worth it to bother to learn Russian and live in Kiev, where the girls are hotter, but also colder?
thanks naughtynomad!
I prefer Tallin over Riga. The girls are way friendlier there also.
Kiev is even better – bigger city, hotter girls.
The girls there are fighting each other to get a western guy but learning Russian is a HUGE advantage. I only had a months course in the language and it was enough to get me laid by a Ukrainian would had screw-all English.
I have Riga, Tallin and Kiev City guides if you haven’t already read them..
Good times man… any shorage occur? :p
Not in Kuching, most girls there are legit and doing well for themselves.
hey dude, can you send me a password for the best pick-up line in asia? your website is great huh.
hey jack!
can u tell us how to get to that club named “junk”? we went out yesterday but the nightlife here was quite disappointing.. grappa and soho no people at all.. junk is our last hope :)..is it near to the pandungan road? thx !
Hey Jack, I can’t remember where it is… You have to just ask around. If you think Kuching has bad nightlife you’re in for a bad time in Malaysia… that’s the best city in all of Borneo.
dude, how can i get some erb in kuching ? or where ? im comming from germany
Hey mate, hello from a fellow irishman, I’m currently in Kuching, you’re advice is coming in handy! I can recommend a few places to look for, one is called the knights, the other is called kings arms, both have plenty of hot women in them, both stuck-up backpackers and sexy friendly locals lol. Both are close to padungan road, although they only seem to get a good crowd Friday and Saturday night. Just be careful of the couple of ladyboys hanging out in the knights, lol.
Thanks for the info!
I was in Kuching in 2006 for a few days, liked the city a lot.
I wasn’t there for gaming at the time, but after what you said I might return there this winter 🙂
Time to update your links here duder, especially the graphics!
I’ve been to Malaysia before, but not Borneo.
Kota Kinabalu looks tempting.
Have you been there?
If so, what’s the differences between the two cities?
Three most important things:
Cost of living
Paul from Norway(living in Thailand)
I salute you Sir for sharing your experiences in Kuching! I visited there in early 2015 and documented the clubs I hit on my blog (http://www.nightlifereviews.net/category/asia/malaysia/kuching-nightlife-reviews/). I would say the best place to go if you’re flying solo would be Zebra’s Club, where I had a lot of fun. There’s also some other good bars/clubs in the Travillion Mall. Overall, Kuching is a top destination!
Hey man, I’d like to know where I can get some pot too man. Nice website btw.
interesting, didnt know there were any good places for nightlife in malaysia hehe