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Tag Archives | pick up techniques

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Learning Game

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Learning Game

Everybody has their origins. Few men start out as Casanovas; even veterans with rock solid game still make mistakes. I am the voice of experience. I tried everything out there. I practices game religiously, got versed on the latest techniques, went out, tried it, failed and began the cycle again. I never had a mentor, the most […]

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5 Steps to get in flow: An NLP technique

5 Steps to get in flow: An NLP technique

Over the week I had the pleasure of going to see Richard Bandler at the seminar in Dublin. Some of you may know Richard from the book The Game, but let me refresh your memory. Richard is co-inventor of NLP (neuro lingistic programming) and a world reknown author and intellectual. For those of you into pick […]

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How to Fulfill your Girlfriend's Dominance Fantasy

How to Fulfill your Girlfriend’s Dominance Fantasy

According the stats, rape fantasies are the most popular female sexual fantasy. Continuing on from my Cavemen article, I’d like to revisit the concept of aggressive persistence in sexual escalation.  Referred to as “going cavemen” in the pick up community this practice tends to incite controversy. While by-passing a women’s token resistance has its place in a sexual interaction, it’s important to recognize […]

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