In 2017 I smashed my goals, but 2018 was not so on-point.
Great things happened business-wise, but goals-wise I failed miserably.
I’m beginning to think goals that exceed the 3-month mark are pointless. Man plans, God laughs.
2019 ought to bring the harvest I was hoping for in 2018. The Crypto crash and a major delay in construction on my real estate investment slowed me down, but soon my chickens will come home to roost.
So how did I do concerning last year’s resolutions? To remind you they were:
- Get the keys to my real estate investment
- Publish my new book (or at least finish the editing process).
- Visit at least 3-4 new countries
- Make six-figures in Crypto.
So how did I do?

- F | Whomp whomp. I got screwed. The construction project was delayed nearly a year due to a legal battle regarding height restrictions. I paid for this financially.
- D | Pass. I didn’t publish, but at least I finished the editing process. I’m in no rush. I’m currently speaking with literary agents. If I can’t strike a deal it will be self-published later this year.
- D | 2.5 out of 4. I only visited 2 new countries: Qatar and Kuwait. I giving myself a half-point for visiting Lisbon, as I last visited Portugal as small child. It didn’t really count.
- -F | Mo-mo-Moon? Instead of making six figures, I lost five! FUCCKKKK. If I had put all my eggs in that basket, I’d be screwed right now. Nonetheless I remain a naive HODLer. I learned my lesson. I now have a REAL business that makes REAL money.
Here are my goals for 2019.
1. Get the Keys to My New Real Estate Investment (AGAIN!)

It’s stupid to have a goal that’s out of your control, so I guess this is more of a prayer.
God, Allah, Buddha, Thor, Flying Spaghetti Monster… whoever is up there
: please make these lazy Sicilians get up off their arses and finish my apartment. I’m now paying rent and a mortgage, and my balls are in a vice grip. Please release them so I may prosper once more.
2. Publish My New Mexican Pirate Book (AGAIN! FINALLY!)

70,000 words and years later, it’s finally done.
Editing is finished.
Barring incredible circumstances, there is no excuse.
I’m now in the last phase: choosing pictures, designing a cover, and proofing.
3. Brush up on my Russian, Spanish and Arabic.

I love languages.
After a one month’s course last year, I even learned (and quickly forgot) basic Thai for my trip there for MMA training.
This year I’ve already booked flights to Kazakhstan and Colombia for February and March, and I’m off to a friend’s wedding in the Middle East in June.
For Russian: After an 8-year hiatus it’s terrible, but not totally lost. My goal is to complete reach Pimsleur Russian Level 3 by Valentine’s day and I’m already well on my way.
For Spanish: I’m already pretty strong at Spanish, but a visit to my Colombiana’s family in March will give me a much needed refresher.
For Arabic: I have 3 words for everything in Arabic and always get confused, having practiced Egyptian, Syrian, and Modern Standard (MSA) throughout the last decade. As I visiting the Gulf, I want to finish Pimsluer MSA level 3 by June 1st.
4. Get my Blue Belt in BJJ
I suspect I would have gotten my blue belt at the end of last year, but I had to stop BJJ completely in August to focus on my new business. Now I’m up and running, I’ve no more excuses. It’s time to get back on the mat and kick some ass!
What’s your New Year Resolutions?
Take a look at some these other resources for inspiration.
3 ways to make Better New Year’s Resolutions by Return of Kings
How to Keep Your New Years Resolutions By Using Your Reptilian Brain by Danger & Play
Nice piece mate, unlucky with the crypto but other than that sounds like an epic year, just wondering the new investment in real estate, why an apartment in sicily, is it easy to rent out. I’m always wary about having property in a country I don’t live and allowing letting agents take care of the property. I’m sure you know what your doing, if you can’t answer email me as I’m looking to invest some savings and always looking for tips. All the best for 2019
Hey man. Only the contractor is Sicilian. I bought in Malta and I’m based here, so I can keep an eye on it.
busy man, you should take Dan Penas quantum leap advantage at Gunfreys castle to improve your business
What happened to your restaurant that you were going to open in Malta? Is that still something you are planning? I hoping to get back to Malta and hear a few stories from you.
Hey man. It’s not really a restaurant, more of a bar. It’s going really well. I’m still in Malta. Hit me up!