As you can see, I’m not blogging much these days as I am more active Youtube, so subscribe!Here is a little extract from my interview with John Beede, a man who climbed all 7 summits.

As you can see, I’m not blogging much these days as I am more active Youtube, so subscribe!Here is a little extract from my interview with John Beede, a man who climbed all 7 summits.
Hey guys, it’s that time of year again, but this year I decided to do something special and make a video for you guys. In last year’s review, I predicted a properous 2020! Well, it didn’t quite work out that way for us, did it? Nonetheless, it’s was quite eventful, and I managed to achieve […]
The video speaks for itself… This was one of my closest calls yet. My first sailing trip offshore ended in disaster. Storms, a fire in the engine room, and an expensive rescue at sea. My poor little Albin Vega, the Black Rose, took a beating. The Mediterranean in October was not kind.
I write this from Marseille, France, aboard my new acquired sailing vessel, the Black Rose, on the eve of its maiden voyage (hopefully). For those not up to date, check out this Youtube I made last month giving a little tour of her when I got the keys. The plan now? To sail her […]
The following is a guest post by ExpatUkraine. INTRODUCTION St. Mark’s Church. Serbian Orthodox church located in the Tasmajdan park in Belgrade Serbia Serbia is at the top of many male traveller’s lists of places of interest, and for a good reason. With a lovely climate, beautiful women, and a fantastic nightlife scene, the capital […]
I just posted this on Youtube. Check it out.
Happy to announce that my new book, My Life as a Mexican Pirate, has remained as #1 New Release on Amazon in its category for three days running. For who haven’t already, I recommend you subscribe to my YouTube channel where I recently did a Livestream after hitting the spot. In case you missed […]
It’s finally out! CLICK HERE for 50% off! Synopsis: MY LIFE AS A MEXICAN PIRATE (72,000 words) may just be the wildest travel memoir ever written. I mean, who goes looking for trouble in war zones dressed as a Mexican Pirate? It started as a joke, an Irish trio on a night out in costume. A […]
Finally. Friday the 13th is supposed to be unlucky, but I’m Irish so hopefully, it will balance out šAt 72,000 words, this is the biggest and best book I’ve ever written. Summary:MY LIFE AS A MEXICAN PIRATE may just be the wildest travel memoir ever written. It started as a joke, an Irish trio on […]