City Centre, nice huh?
Ulaanbaatar in a word: Drab.
C.O.H: 3 / 5
Q.O.G: 3 / 5
S.T.L: 2 / 5
City guide ratings explained
Costs €$£
Beer: Around €2 a beer.
Bed: €10 for a private room.
Bud: €5 per gram.
Board: €3 for a pizza.
Budget other: Sometimes clubs have a cover charge, €5-ish.
Currency Conversion
Ulaanbaatar is the world’s coldest capital and it’s anything but glamorous. It’s not like anywhere you’ve ever been to and that’s much of the city’s raw appeal. Get to Terelj national park and stay in a yurt for a night.

Altantuya the Mongol
The Girls
Forget the stereotype, Mongolia is home to some classic beauties. Statuesque and slender with subtle, appealing features; these women are erotic, wonderfully feminine and wear bizarrely sexy couture. They are shy and very sub-servant. Just beware of cock-blocks. Mongolian guys are big, bad and very protective of their women. You want to meet a beautiful, genuine Mongolian girl? I hope you play golf. Good-looking, single girls flock to the Terelj golf course to work as caddies. Imagine a Thai massage parlour, but with dozens of cute girls dying to lug your shit around a golf course for a day. It’s hilarious but a great way to meet a cutie. Traditional culture is strong here so you could have your work cut of for you. There is also plenty of females in the big local Irish bar, the Great Khan. There’s always a few ‘single’ girls floating round.
Nightlife Recommendations
Due to new laws, nightlife dries up at midnight. Just get out early. That said, The police turn a blind eye and one or two places open till 4pm.
Great Khan
This a huge Irish bar and probably the best spot in the city. It’s always busy and has plenty of cute girls and great food too! The Guinness is surprisingly tasty!
Face Nightclub
It’s in a convenient location and attracts a crowd most nights. Cheap beer and always a few locals knocking about. I got in a fight here for hitting on a local girl.
Getting High (courtesy of webehigh.com)
Legislation: Cannabis is illegal in Mongolia. But it grows naturally almost everywhere in the country so no one really cares. Easy to bribe the cops if youre caught in smoking or possesion its usually max 20.000 tugruks (20$). Anyways cannabis is not very popular in the country so most people doesnt even know what it is.
Law enforcement: Having less than a 5 gramms of hash or cannabis you can stay locked about day or two and will pay fine of 50$ in a local police station. Selling it will make you in trouble of at least year in detention.
Where to buy marijuana: mostly nigth clubs, or ask the hippy looking guys in front area of state department store.
My Ulaanbaatar Experience
I was only here 2 nights and I was here with my parents. I’m not making excuses but having your Mam around kind of puts your game off. The second night I went out on my own to Face club and got in a fight. But it wasn’t all bad; my insanely cute golf caddie gave me her number the last day! I wish I had more time here. I’m sure anyone who had a bit more time here could meet a nice girl. Really, these girls are adorable. Mongolia is a beautiful country.
PS – I actually got my Mongolian flag in Dublin after the trip.
See my pics below.

1 hour outside the city, Terelj national park.

Me, My Dad and my friend Dan outside our Yurt

Me & Dan on horseback (man I look chubby in this pic)
this blog is such a goldmine
how bad are those aggressive guys BTW? Do you think it was cold approaching or just being seen with a local woman that got you into trouble? If I go I’ll stay for a while and get a social circle.
It was cold approaching. I think is was just bad luck. I’ve never had trouble like that before. I’ve love to go back and get my Mongol flag.
if u gonna try our girls we will tear your ass up fucking loosers
hey, how many days you’ve spent in UB? 2? there are better night club clubs than face club i.e. Metropolis, Mass Club, Brilliant etc. and yes, marijuana grows everywhere but not in UB, around Darkhan and Erdenet and the law is very strict, so don’t randomly ask a hippie looking guy in the streets or in night clubs for drugs, it is still considered taboo for the general public. To find good shit in Mongolia you got to have a local friends like myself 😀 who will find you some decent shit for a reasonable price. A good advice, avoid eye contacts, confrontations in streets with locals especially some bad-ass looking mongols, but if you’ve got the balls you’ll experience mongolian knuckle sandwich firsthand.
Great contribution man, I’ll look you up next time I’m in town 🙂
hey bro, i never found decent bud in mongolia. hook me up!
Yes, there are some very lovely ladies in Mongolia. And yes, you have to watch out for the bad boys that want to spoil your fun. But all this can be managed.
Yo Bat..I”m visiting there in Feb for 3 weeks. Can you hook me up with some good mj? Desparetly need them.
Yes, many Mongolian girls are very good looking. They are also very strong and feisty as all hell. Do not be deceived by big doe eyes. These are not soft-hearted women.
The article says they are “very sub-servant”. I’m not sure what kind of Mongolian girls the writer has been hanging out with. Maybe they were really Korean? Mongol girls are fiery, hot blooded, hot tempered, get angry fast and violently. Do not be surprised if they hit you. Many Mongol people have serious anger problems and this very much includes the women.
They are a bit like Klingon women, if you ever saw any Trek episodes that feature Klingon ‘mating’ rituals… ie the man and woman basically have a fight and wrestle and growl a lot, maybe scratch and bite each other and then have sex. Thats kind of ‘Mongol girls in a nutshell’ really 😛
I’m dating one the moment in fact. She likes it rough all right :p
You are absolutely right!
Mongolian girls can also be very strong and standing by their man once they love you.
Getting laid here is very easy and I am not talking about hookers.
I’ve got in UB 10 days ago and I will be here at least for the 3 next months. During these 10 days, I’ve been in Metropolis, Dublin Pub, Grand Kahn Irish Pub, Amsterdam Coffee … but none of these places seemed to me good to interact with local girls. Actually, Metropolis was the only club, but here except of me and a friend of mine whom was with me, all the other people were Mongolian… so i did not felt quite comfortable to approach a girl there… Can anybody recommend some places where we can interact with local girls, without having trouble with local guys … or there are no such places!?!
Cheers and hope to hearing from you soon.
This kind of forum help us lot. Because I constantly visit Beijing and that time I read shit like this and it really helps me. That’s why and as a local guy I would like to give you guys some tips. For the drug stuff, it is taboo and try to avoid as much as possible. Recent days authorities took serious actions! Mongolian prison is a living hell. For the local girls, it is a heaven. First of all, they are cheap even free. Cheap means 100K per night, then if you have make good connection with them rest of days will be free. Just saying I will be back, will live here for a while smt like this, or you can find someone who want to learn English or just try white asses. But those kind of girls will not go to places mentioned above. They are in local bars, so you should have local guy. Irish pub, Face, Metropolis etc are full of hookers. Other bars are heaven for guys like you.
Also if you looking for even cheaper ass, you should go sauna. There are plenty of saunas here in UB, however customers are local guys and Chinese. Since prostitution is illegal, massage girls playing as a hooker. They are cute, clean and always use condom. But I never see whites and black goes to sauna. Local guys, Chinese and Koreans do. Most of big saunas run by Koreans, in order to go to sauna you need help. When you in sauna you can ask Do you offer “special service”, usually they say no, but in the room you can talk with the girl. Massage and sex will be 30 bucks. Then you can select other girl and pay 30 too. If you have capacity you can f*** 5-6 girls who is in service per night. be careful if massageist are fat and old ladies, they are not! But hot and teenagers they are what you looking for! Good look all.
Spent a bit of time working in Mongolia, and spent some time in UB dont think i have been to a better country, grant that it is cold but the people are the most friendliest i have ever come across, in the country side they will go out of there way to help and assist you, if you are a dick head you will find bad reception were ever you go, but accept and take the time to learn the correct customs and mongolians are great people. the woman of mongolia are the hottest and sexiest in the world.
Hi, and thanks for this forum, I think also that it help a lot.
I am Italian, I am 39 years old, and it’s my second trip in Mongolia, UB. I have to say first that Mongolia is a beautiful country, nature here is beautiful.
My first trip was in 2007, It was pretty cool, and very interesting in terms of relations with the Mongolian peoples. I passed a lot of time in The Strings club and also The Irish Pub, and I was never disappointed, never slept alone for almost 2 month. Some time I paid 50000T for all night, and sometime free, always with a beauties from 22 to 28 years old model looking.
Lets talk about my second trip in UB, I am already here since one month, and I have noticed a lots of change here, first the UB city growing up very quickly, a lots of construction everywhere, but the big change for me is the behavior that the Mongolian boys and girls have with me white foreigner. I explain: everywhere I go now, girls or boys try to avoid me, don’t look in the eyes, don’t even answer to some simple question (Like: what time is it for example).
This time I feel not comfortable In UB, I have been to Strings a few days ago, still have a lot of people, but if you stay at the bar alone, nobody will look you, I have just seen some prostitutes ,old, fat and very bad looking… In Irish Pub it’s worse, the attitude of the staff is terrible for me, you have to wait long time to get their attention…
There is still a lots of good looking girls everywhere, but they seems to be very proud this time, independent and a very pretentious.
Of course there is a lot of solution to get a prostitute not really beautiful but good looking, but it will cost a lot of money around 150000t and more again…
I would like to say that Mongolia is definitely not a Sex destination, even the girls here are for me the most beautiful girls in Asia, They know it and they are very difficult to approach.
I have a long experience in Asia, China, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Thailand, and Mongolia is really different, Asian looking but a kind of European/Russian Thinking.
The Mongolian man at 90% hate foreigners, and when they get drunk, It’s better to go…
Hotels here are very expensive, and most of them are not clean and seems 1star hotel.
Of course, I understand, Mongolia is a big country with a lot of resources, 3 millions Mongolian, and they try to protect their culture.
I have seen a lot of foreigners here, probably working in mines around UB, and it’s true that they are a bit rude peoples…and they maybe give a bad reputations…I don’t know.
If someone have a better experience, better place to go out, or maybe a better explanation, I will be very happy to read it.
Otherwise I work for an investment Bank, and we have good business here.
Thanks for reading, cheers, Salute.
Haraal ideesei chamaig, chi udahgui haraagdaj uheh bolno doo
hugiin baliar tsarai muutai shonhor za chi,
To Local_bad_ass, give us address of bars and Massage place, It will help a lot, Thanks…
Went to the Face club last saturday night, and enjoyed it a lot. Good ratio of women to men, although they come a bit late in the evening. Guys here are a bit tough, but just don’t do any to silly and they will leave you alone.
Snogged a couple of real stunners. Ended up taking two back to the hotel, but was too good to be true, and they inevitably asked for cash before they left. Good news was they were only about 100 bucks for the pair. There are some true stunners here, with shapely figures, but you do need a bit of time and effort with them. Enjoy boys!
hey I am visiting Ulan batar , how is the Escort scene in Mongolia . Any suggestions will be most appreciated .
Thanks a ton
Hey guys,
I know few hot Mongolian escorts in UB. Let me know for more info…
hey viv, can you hook me up? i’ll be here til saturday.
Hi Guys,
Can anyone pass me a phone or other contact for Mongolian hot girl? I am staying at the Kempinski.
fuck you on the dick! will not give you!
Hey viv… can you share more on the Mongolian escorts? I will be there next month..
Hey Viv,
Still know any local ladies? Here for one more night!
While I was studying in Prague at the times of Cold War in 80ies we had a lot of exchange students from Mongolia and Vietnam. They were some were nice ladies. Your report makes me think about a possible pilgrimage to Ulan Bator again 🙂
Guys, I know it’s a little bit off topic but isn’t the whole point of the naughty lifestyle, to avoid escort/prostitute? I mean what’s really fun is the challenge of seducing the girls, especially in a tough place like Mongolia. I live in Asia and just had dinner with this Mongolian girl. Tall, super pretty and friendly but NOT easy… Strong willed for sure. No give-up though, even if it means few more dates 🙂
Guys, forget about Mongolia… Racist people, Many problem, Money gilrs…
I you want Nice Mongolian girl, go in China they are all Protrude there.
Nice Nature, but very bad people… 98 % are bull shit…
Follow my advice, regard.
I agree with Stefano,
I just spend 15 days in UB for business and it was really hard.. I am from Spain, and i have never see such behavior towards me in another country.
It seems that the Mongol people are really scared to be eaten by foreigner as they are only 3 milions…
Such a pity for them, if they do not change in the future, they will never grow up…
By the way the life is very expensive there, almost more than in Europe and for very cheap quality services.
Guys, choose another destination for tourism, China will be a better choice…
I spent about 6 months in UB in 1998. I’m sure the restaurant and bar scene has changed, so I have no advice on that score. But I doubt the women have changed much since then. I regret that I haven’t had the chance to go back since. One of these days…I would say your chances of hooking up are close to 100%. There is an amazing array of drop-dead gorgeous gals, ranging from pure amateurs to pros. They all love sex (and can get pretty vocal about it in the heat of passion), and you don’t have to be a polished pickup artist to have fun. Assuming you are not totally tongue-tied in the presence of a female person getting laid is about as easy as you could possibly want. You can meet girls anywhere (I particularly liked the Hash House Harriers – “a drinking club with a running problem” – which had a pretty good mix of locals and expats). You’re not guaranteed to score on your first encounter, but the briefest of courtships – meeting her one night and taking her out to dinner the next time – almost guarantees success. If you just can’t wait a day or two, there used to be hookers (again, semi-pros for the most part) who frequented the bar at the old UB Hotel, right on Sukhbaatar Square), and there may still be. One cold January night as I was walking home from a bar I was accosted by a woman in a little park I was cutting across, who offered me a BJ for 5 dollars, right out there in the open. I gave her $5, but passed on the BJ. No one should have to kneel in the snow in -20 weather and service a foreigner just to feed herself or her kids. Ah, such fond memories. Go and enjoy!
Hey guys,
I am in UB since 6 month, the city is not really nice, the boys are not really open, BUT THE GIRLS!!!! WOW WOW WOW…..!!!!!!
I use to fish in pub, there is several pub, and its very successful for me…..:)
Mongolian Girls dream to be with foreigner man, they are really sex addict and very hot, anal sex, oral sex, WOW Crazy country… The girsl here have really nice body, big boops and ass is nioce toooooo……
Of course I must be careful, Mongolian Man do not like this…
Welcome to UB, Cheers Paul
Hey foreigners welcome to Mongolia! I’ll show you all of Mongolian everything nice natural, awesome club, real mans, hot girls we have to fun in Ulaanbaatar without some shits above! See you bros!
I am visiting UB from 11 to 16th Jun’14.
Any tips.
Would love to find someone to show me around. I’m in UB now 3 July – 10 July. Let me know if you have some free time.
I’m visiting Oct 7-12… Would love to hear about what are the most happening places right now as it is my first visit… Would like to meet some of those Mongolian hotties;-)
Unless you look like a troll, you will do no wrong,the first thing you ask her is “Do you speak English ?” if no then move on to the next one as a romance conducted via a phrasebook is too much hard work, the next question “Are you married, do you have a boyfriend?” if no then “Do you want one?” This works for me every time, it is so easy remember that Mongolian men are short on romance, and when it comes to flattery do not use a teaspoon use a shovel! I even last week copped the number of my 27 year old dentist while she was working on my snappers!
Great Website, this sounds very promising. @UB Man: Are you still around and would like to got out? I willlove it. Stay here until 23rd of November
hi ,can you tell me little about there or send me your phone nubmer i call you we talk about there? is safe?
hi can you tell me about there i come in may to ub,,or i can call you?
I just leave Mongolia UB after 3 years of work there. I have to say that it’s true the Mongolian mans are not really open, most of them are really bad ass when they get drink, almost every night…
To talk about the girls, this country is amazing, the girls are at 80% really beautiful, nice face and body, and it’s true they really like to have sex with foreigners, but in secret…
They are very hot and get orgasms very quickly… I believe that the reason is that the Mongolian guys do not mach their expectations ( difficult to get hard with 3 gram of vodka in the blood…) But anyway, this situation let for us the doors and their legs really open….:)
After 3 year , i can say that is not need to see prostitute, or to pay for sex, the tips is to be patient.
Once your get the mobile number or the Yahoo id of the girl you want to fish, the secret is to be very romantic…Nice words, bla bla, invite her to see the beautiful countryside, buy a small present, etc…
To my experience in this strategy, I can get a girl in my bed in 3 or 4 days of romantic chat….:) (single or married)
Once they were in my apartment, I always have some wine, or beer, and candy (they like candy…) and after several fake romantic words, i always got what i wanted.
8/10 swallow, and like it…
I miss this Country…
I am visiting UB in Jun’14.
Any old contacts that I can use.
YES, you are very right. Mongolian girls love to f***k foreigners. the “good” girls need some romantic courting for a couple of days and you will get the best sex you ever had, even if you are older. I have lived here for a long time, meanwhile married to a Mongolian girl who brings me girls when I want. HEAVEN!
Hey ChingghisKhan, Coming to UB in June. You wanna meet up?
Find your own pussy!
With most of my friends leaving or left Mongolia, I am retired living in UB if anyone would like to share a drink or ten, let me know.
Hi David.
I am here in UB till August 6. Would appreciate a good advice for a man having only a few nights here for a hot adventure 🙂
As I was notified on the 10th of August I sadly cannot help, but if you return I know of many places where young women can be obtained without heaving out bundles of cash as with the Big Irish.
Hi David, Just arrived. Would you like to have a beer?
So much for NN informing me of messages, I am always up for a drink
# 8915 1877
David, thanks for meeting up with me. Had a good time. Will definitely look you up next time I’m in UB. In the meantime take care and enjoy your weekend pass!
I’m going to be in town until August 15. I’d love to buy you a drink sometime when I’m in town and get some info on where to find some company without going broke.
my # 8915 1877
Company, since the police crack down, the cheapest now 80k but I have not ventured in the rough areas where I am sure a spot of in and out could be got at a more favorable price!
bonjour je voudrais venir a oulan bator je suis celibataire recherche une tres jolie femme type modele tres grande fine pour relation serieuse pouvez m aidre a faire les bonnes rencontres suis disponible habite paris
contactez moi par skype ” RAYBACHE”
ou telephone +33608306624 merci pour aide
If you are looking for a relationship with a Mongolian woman, I know someone that is looking for a Western man. 39 but looking ten years younger, a professional (chief accountant) durtydave2000@yahoo,com in English please as I lost, having not used French for many years!
my english is not got, i am Germany man and i been to 06.01.2015 in Ulan bator
a Meeting is nice
Give me a call on 89151877, I will be happy to show you a few places, if you are 40+ even get you fixed up with single attractive ladies, there are women to die for here! I have been single for four months now and have dated as young as eighteen, and I am 69! David.
hey david ,i have plan come to mangolia in summer is safe there? can you tell me little about there? and how i can find girls is safe if i come alone?
Hi David,
in UB during September 2016. Tried to contact you. I am at +976 9927 0624
Lets have some drinks and share some stories 😉
Cheers, m
A word of warning, be very careful when going out after 11pm, I had my first trouble here in over two years, three Mongolian guys saw me getting out of the taxi and came over shouting in Mongolian, I take a guess “why are you here eating our women and raping our food” one started pushing me around that I did not take kindly to, without boring you all with the details, the result was England 2 Mongolia 0, and one draw as the third guy put up his hands and did not want to know. As I live next door to the traffic police HQ three small cops came out to see what was going on, and when I was asked for my ID fell about laughing, I can only think it was my age! Four other incidents resulting in Mongolians for no reason attacking, and badly beating up ex pats have come to my notice, so be very careful.
You still around? Know any numbers I can try?
Thanks a lot,
I only know of girls that are looking for a relationship/exit visa as life here for your average Mongolian is getting really tough now, great for us as prices are a joke compared to back home, a $15 taxi ride in NYC is as low as $1.50, 20 ciggies as low as $3,a decent clean hotel with own bathroom $20.50 a night (toto hotel) on the end of the main strip. But most guys will score at the Grand Khan Irish pub, but downplay your job, the more important your job sounds the more money will be asked, suggest you say you work for a charity.
In UB for business, and looking for a nice young lady for a night or two. It seems as though there aren’t too many options- anybody have any concrete advice?
Thanks in advance.
Someone sent this link to me. I am disgusted by your comments, people. I am a Mongolian American woman, and your comments make it look like Mongolian girls are some horny cheap bitches. It is true that some Mongolian girls are very beautiful and exotic looking. Have some respect for those women, would you?
you take the compliment but not the insult. sounds like mongol women have fragile egos and arent down to earth.
Been here 2 nights n will b in ub 4 another 18 nights.
the moment i arrived one word shit second night fok.
So far no mongol gals but i am here to finnish a job cuz of this innutils mongolians dont know how to do it. Hotel so far ok but service is shit.
I also look at this discussion and i am really surprise and sad… I am Mongolian man.
Our country is not dirty as you say. We are a old country with a lot of tradition.
The foreigner come here with their Dollars and turn the head of some but not all…
Our woman are naturally nice and god woman. If you come here in Mongolia for sex trip, you will get trouble for sure. Respect our country our people.
I am a Mongolian. I promise you, my country is not the destination for sex. If you look for sex in my country, you should be aware that we are easy to fight even without reason, specially to foreigners. If I see one of you with Mongolian girl, you will get your deserved harm for sure.
Sander, you’re full of shit. You know I fucked your sister and two cousins in the ass. And when you saw me in the street with them, you waved hi with a stupid smile…
Well, what Sander is saying is technically true! Mongolia is not your typical sex destination. Nothing like Thailand or some other East Asian countries. You need a local friend to take you to the real action. Unless you speak Mongolian and have a lot of connection, you just scraping the surface.
Also, it is true that Mongolian guys want to beat you up at the first chance they get. So don’t provoke them. Better yet, don’t look them in the eye after sundown. Don’t even go near a drunk Mongolian.
Spot on LBA! The massage shops are now observed closely by the police, so forget it if you want more than a massage, the streetwalkers have been cleared off from plying their trade starting from last year and now get the train to Earling a town over the border in China to find work. Hookers can still be found in the Grand Khan pub, but want too much for their services so unless you are willing to pay 300000 Tugs be prepared to live like a monk for the time you are here. Eight months ago the government put a block on internet porn so even looking after oneself is not an option! With the failing economy I am noticing more and more resentment towards foreigners as it is believed that we are the cause of Mongolia’s woes, so be very careful after 10pm, avoid mooching about after that time.
hi, i am glad that one mongolian guy came up and wrote something.
yeah, after reading all above comments it feels like foreigners are too horny and are very interested in having or trying mongolian girls. It is true that in every country you will find prostitutes, BUT NOTE THAT not every mongolian girl will go to bed with you that easy!!!
We need harmony, we need love and respect, also understanding each other and we look for a nice guy to be with for a long time. NOT for only one or couple of nights with someone!! even with a local guy it is same.
The police in UB have done an excellent job in shutting down the vice trade here in recent months, even in the Grand Khaan the working girls are keeping a low profile, seems they have mostly gone just over the border to Earlain in China about $60 return by train.Went out last week scouting for Jon who is over in a month or so, I have seen more action in Vatican City then one can find here now!
Hi, do you know any nice women who would like to visit England?
Hey Sander you stupid little dicked IDIOT. I fuck them bitches all the time because they don’t want no stupid little-dick Mongoloid like you. And no worries, I beat up them loud-mouth fudge-packers like you all the time.
ChingghisKhan, give me your address
HAHA u retarded racist farmers, just stay at the country side and dont come to UB. i dont give a fuck if a mongolian girl is dating a foreign dude. and i could less more if she gets fucked and dumped. who cares. it happens around the world 24/7. i dont say it is nice but not all foreign guys dating a mongolian chick is just for the sex there. i had trouble with foreign friends and stupid uneducated mongol fucks like u who try to get in fights all the time… why cant u guys just be normal. there are so many retards in that country, especially racists.
Please don’t come to our country looking for sex!!!! If you read history, unlike other Asian countries, Mongol Women are well respected, strong and smart. It’s true many face hardships…but trust me…MONGOLIAN WOMEN ARE MORE INDEPENDENT THAN YOU THINK!
I don’t care if you look for escorts or working girls, these girls made choice for themselves… I cannot truly speak for them. At least both parties know what is being offered and what is being serviced. However, I truly wish you can’t find them.
I’m glad that our government is taking good measures over this matter ( prostitution).
Hey I’ve been reading a lot about Mongolian history and I’d be interested in learning the language. Khalkha Mongolian, do you know the best way to learn it? As I’m 21years old from Finland. I’ve been thinking that if I learn enough of the language, then one day I can come in to Mongolia and try to love with a Mongolian family in the grasslands for sometime as an expirement. I hope you or someone else living in Mongolia can answer me!
I will be in ub next week, I’m not looking to go shagging but would like a girl to show me around and go see the statue of gengus khan, I’m only there two nights so it would be great.
My fellow foreigners, I am not surprised that you are looking from the angle of how to f….. a Mongolian girl easily and how to find them. But I am wondering not looking into the culture and the life of people in Mongolia. In fact the people in Mongolia are strong due to the circumstances in live and they have to work hard for it and its good that the country in changing the illegal fun business. About the men’s in Mongolia, they nice and good hearted people and if have met several during the years and stay with my family in the Mongolian family. The picture then shows that they are sharing their ideas about political world and interesting views from their perspective. In sum ways I could not avoid of drunken men’s attitudes but they are doing it not only against foreigners. It’s the problem of alcoholism. Please be aware that Mongolian women drinking sometimes as well which results in aggressive behavior. However, Mongolian ladies are more controlled and they are more clear of that what they want. As the Mongolian writers before I think they are right in the way how the people here writing about women as fresh flesh. Please visit a Mongolian family as I did and my family is partly Mongolian from my wife’s side and you will discover a more interesting side and warm hearted side of the people living in Mongolia.
if i ever see one foreigner like you guy at night i will make sure your skin on face will be cut in half
After a fast reading of this blog, i’m ashame by western guy behavior. Fucking loser who think to be king cause they have a few bucks in their pocket. Not ashamed to think they can buy girls but afraid to get close of drunk mongolian guy,don’t look at them in the eyes!! and always agreed with them!! Be real men for a start before to want a woman, does your money replace your balls? Mongolian girls like anywhere on this world want to be seduce and respected. Mongolian guy like anywhere on this world can be good, bad, violent or alcoholic. I would like to see your face if a foreigner in your country would go to see your sister or your mother and ask them to suck for money? Start by respecting yourself if you want to be respect and this is an universal truth.
I used to live in Oulan Bator for several months last year and i never had serious problem except cold winter.
Hey this thread alive? Any one know some good places to take a chick on a date in ub? Dec Jan time, preferably not a western joiny
Hey John Wayne, I agree with you. I am going to write a (hopefully) very positive review of my time in UB. I read up on most of the above threads before I went there this last Oct. Good advice but way off on some levels. I was on a bit of a remote excursion into the hinterlands of Mongolia, but took about a week in UB just to hang out. This is how it went for me when I was in town. First day there I was in a museum and saw a very beautiful Mongolian girl who caught my eye. She had auburn hair and hazel eyes but otherwise Mongolian features. (those awesome cheek dimples,,, !!) I have lived in Asia (Korea, Thailand, Vietnam) on and off for most of my adult life so this girl caught my eye as being extremely exotic even by Asian standards. This beautiful woman could have snubbed me and walked away when I worked up some courage and made some small talk with her; thankfully she did not..Come to find out we had a LOT in common, like, for instance, she had traveled even more places than me on this lonely planet. It was fortuitous that we both had some time to kill in UB.. I have been traveling most of my life and meeting girls in many places,,,, opposites attract, right? but I have to say this was the single most romantic fling I have had with anyone in my life. This smart, beautiful woman took me all around UB, to the amusement park, to the Imax, to all night private Karaoke singing with her friends, and then on to late night disco dancing with lots ( I mean lots) of other Mongolians all around us. Not once did I feel threatened by other Mongolians and actually think that other than South Korea this is one of the safest places to be after dark I have been to, but, it always pays to be cautious. This was one of those chance encounters you rarely get, and never forget and this person has left a strong effect on my heart. By the way, she never asked me for any money; this was just two people on equal terms attracted to each other. Some people on here have slammed UB for not being “POSH” enough,, or modern enough, and the guys are dangerous, whatever. As Asian destinations go, you won’t get anything more real than UB. There are no places like this left, simply put. Mongolians are fiercely loyal to their culture and heritage,,, Uh,,, wouldn’t you be if you were Mongolian??? That does not make them Xenophobic. I easily made friends when I was here and most of them were men. To sum it up I won’t go back to Mongolia for one simple reason,,, It would never be that good again and I would be disappointed. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go. So,,, that’s my take. Come here for the amazing wilderness, but don’t overlook the people. They are smart, cosmopolitan, beautiful and a lot of fun. You won’t be disappointed.
All you guys are just a bunch of assholes who do you lot think you are Just because you have money you think you are great reading your comments says what you are low life the Mongolians are 20 time better than any one of you they have brains looks and respect .
I have lived in most Asian country’s and Mongolia is the best by far and the people are great not scum like you lot No I am not married to a Mongolian or living with one but do work with them they are poor but richer than you lot because they respect one another and other people I am rich but don’t go about looking to fight or screw or insult the Mongolian because I respect them for what they are not what I am .
i just want a mary jane hook up can anyone help a brotha out? any locals who can hook me up with some?