Part 4 of 4: The final, climatic episode on Mogadishu is now live! WARNING: Contains graphic content. Episode Description: In the final episode, we reach the climax of the series, as the lads land in Mogadishu, Somalia. They explore the most dangerous parts of the city, make the national news, and to their horror, […]
Archive | Somalia
How to visit Mogadishu, Somalia
When doing research for my recent trip to southern Somalia, information online was almost impossible to find. Basic info on accommodation and security took hours, if not days, of trawling through every corner of the web. There was NO decent information about visiting Mogadishu. Until now. Screw Lonely Planet, Rough Guides, Wikitravel, and Bradt. Naughty […]
Mogadishu is the bomb
I haven’t posted in awhile for good reason. After two cancelled flights, I’m still stranded in Mogadishu, Somalia. My experience has been, well, surreal. I’ve been a guest of honour of the mayor here, been on TV and featured in all the major newspapers, had lunch with generals, and explored the city, outside the green […]