Episode 3 of 4 is now here. Next week is the climax to the series! http://youtu.be/-qmybLbWjGU Episode 3 description: In this penultimate episode, the scallywags of the Sangarian travel to the Northern Ethiopian city of Harar and the tiny nation of Djibouti. They play with some of the local hyenas, swoop some booty in Djibouti, […]
Archive | Djibouti

City Guide: Djibouti City, Djibouti
Djibouti in a word: Rip. Chance of Hooking up: 4 / 5 Quality of Girls: 2.5 / 5 Nightlife: 3.5 / 5 Smoking tolerance: 3 / 5 City guide ratings explained Costs €$£ Bachelor’s budget: $75 per day. Beer: 1000 DJF ($5-6) for a beer. Bed: Private rooms from $25. Food: $6 for a meal. Other Costs: Drop the $15 […]